WBBSE Class 7 English Textbook Solutions

Raindrops 7

Raindrops 7 Textbook Solutions

Uma Raman, Ratna Sagar

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1.Charlie's Birthday Gift (Roald Dahl)
2.A Fairy with Horns (Ruskin Bond)
3.The Flint (Chistina Rossetti)
4.A Jungle Tale (Rudyard Kipling)
5.A Thunderstorm (Emily Dickinson)
6.A Hard Word (W H McGuffey)
7.We Who Love Books (Ruskin Bond)
8.Language Workshop 1
9.My Sister's Sister 1 (Sunil Gangopadhyay)
10.My Sister's Sister 2 (Sunil Gangopadhyay)
11.Prince's Robes (Rabindranath Tagore)
12.Run, Bulbul, Run! (Sigrun Srivastav)
13.The Rainbow (William Wordsworth)
14.A Rose for the Princess (Subhadra Sen Gupta)
15.Language Workshop 2N/A
16.The Mind of the Chimpanzee (Jane Goodall)N/A
17.More about People (Ogden Nash)N/A
18.At the Maze (Jerome K Jerome)N/A
19.A Time to Talk (Robert Frost)N/A
20.The March Family (Luisa May Alcott)N/A
21.Language Workshop 3N/A
N/A: Not Available currently but will be available soon.
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