Q: What if I do not register?

Ans: You will get limited access to most of the features. Some features will be totally unavailable. Features like sharing contents, posting to forums and purchases will not work.

Q: How long my account will be maintained?

Ans: Your account will be kept safe in our servers for a period of 2 years from the date of last use. That is if you stop using your account from today then after 2 years from now we will disable all access, backup your contents and archive it till you get back to us.

Q: Do you charge for account opening?

Ans: We don't charge for opening an account for Students, Parents and Teachers. However we do charge a small fee to maintain your cloud account after first 4 years of account opening. There is a small setup fee for Tutors, Authors and Publishers who would like to earn though our platform.

Q: Can I opt out of the Cloud Account?

Ans: Your first 4 years of the Cloud account is free with a certain disk quota. When its nearing the 4 years we will inform you to decide whether you would like to continue with the same quota and/or offer better options.

Q: What kind of content is available in your platform for a student?

Ans: We will keep trying our best to offer all academic books, question banks, articles, journals etc at a very affordable prices. You will also find Audio books and Videos.

Q: Will I be able to download a copy of my books, articles or journals?

Ans: No, you won't be able to either download or share a copy of these contents even if you have purchased them. These including free contents added to your account will be stored in our servers under your account and will be accessible to you anytime.

Q: Do I have to pay for the entire copy of a book?

Ans: We understand that not every one needs the whole book for various reasons. You can either buy the entire book or just buy the individual chapters priced at a reasonable prices.

Q: Can I rent a book?

Ans: Yes, you can rent a book for a limited duration based on pricing and availability. We however do not guarantee the availability of renting as the publishers or authors may not like renting model. You can reach out to us for your needs so that we can try to negotiate and get it listed for rent out.

Q: Does adding free content consumes my disk quota?

Ans: Yes, they are part of your disk quota. Free videos are not a part of your quota, however they might not be available after a new version is released or we have removed it from our servers.

Q. What all goes to my cloud storage?

Ans: All of your purchased and free contents such as eBooks, Articles, Magazines, Journals, Notes, Files etc. are a part of your disk quota.

Q. Will I be able to upgrade / downgrade my cloud storage space?

Ans: Yes you can change your plan anytime as per system availability. Downgrading your plan might result in some of your content to be lost.