Juliet Wilson is a British poet and environmentalist who lives in Edinburgh.
Your fields are empty now.
Only your ghosts dance
while cranes of another kind
dance cities into being.
All that remain of you are
a fading crackle of your energy
and some grainy video footage
that people in the new cities
will watch to marvel
at the wonders the world
once held.
Who is being addressed in the poem - who is 'you'? Are they present, or even alive? How can we tell? (line 2)
There are two dances mentioned in the first stanza. Which are they? What does each of them represent?
What is left of the cranes which used to dance in the fields? Do the words 'all that remain' indicate that a lot remains or that very little remains? What is the condition of what remains?
Who views / listens to the poor-quality audio / video material? How do they react to it? Is there a big contrast between their reaction and the speaker's?
The speaker obviously admired the dancing cranes when they lived. Now the city-dwellers watch documentaries and 'marvel at the wonders the world once held'.
What do expressions like 'lost', 'empty now' and 'only ghosts' indicate? Choose one of these.
Now, choose two more expressions that show us that the speaker is talking about the distant past.