Law Entrance Exams
A guide for CLAT aspirants
competitive exam
entrance exam


What Lawyers Do?
A lawyer is a person who practices law, as a paralegal, advocate, barrister, attorney, counselor. Lawyers advice clients and provide solutions to legal issues at both private and public level. They interpret laws, rules and regulations and prepare legal documents. They argue and debate at the courts and take decisions on legal matters. As a lawyer one is expected to apply abstract law theories to solve problems of clients in diverse set of situations.

Earlier law was a family profession - with sons and daughters following into the family legal practice. But the scene has changed today, and anyone having the traits and passion for this field can opt for the course and achieve their dreams. The legal profession, that third wing of the democratic system, is once again one of the more respectable careers, and  so, highly sought after that the buzz is that lawyers are not only making news, but much money too. The black coat doesn't only have to do the rounds of musty civil courts, today's lawyer can choose the sophistication of corporate boardrooms also.


One can either pursue a 5-year integrated B.A. LL. B (Hons) course after passing class XII examinations or a 3-year law course after graduation in any discipline. Many universities offer integrated courses such as B.B.A. - LL. B, B. Com - LL. B and even B.Tech - LL.B.

Primarily, skills such as an inquisitive nature, attention to detail, logical reasoning, persuasiveness, sound judgment and writing ability are significant for success as a professional in law. While these skills remain necessary but today, more skills are required to practice law competently. Some of these are:
- Oratory skills
- Reading habit
- Command over language
- Team work
- Emotional Intelligence


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