"The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth."
~ John F. Kennedy ~


BigSlate Technologies is an online digital publishing, collaboration and learning platform to make educational content affordable and available in a wide variety of subjects for beginners, professionals, parents, tutors, institutions and scholars.

We offer online purchase and renting of books, coursewares, articles, journals, academic notes, question bank, mock tests, preparation for competitive exams etc. at a very affordable price.

When it comes to learning concepts, application of concepts and giving answer to a question in different subjects of study, most students around the country, across schools encounter difficulty. Here at BigSlate we allow students and teachers to collaborate and help each other in finding adequate learning content in various formats such as notes, questions and answers, quiz, key concepts etc.

Our unique and powerful system is designed to accommodate almost every institutional need. This significantly help students, teachers and parents for their educational needs.

Our Tag Line

"Creating Opportunities" - When we say this we mean creating plenty of opportunities for people and institutions interested in earning through our platform by providing collaborative services, such as hosting online classes, providing online courses, contributing contents like eBooks, videos, audio books, translation services, article writing, reviewing etc.


Innovate, Educate, Transform


Our mission is to make education affordable and collaborative for everyone. We want quality content to be accessible and available at a very low cost. There are thousands of novels, short story books, articles, academic and professional books in the market but most of them are either not affordable or simply not feasible to read through. We want people to consume and pay only for the content and duration they are interested in.


BigSlate Technologies LLP

Haripal, Hooghly (W.B.), India, 712405

phone: +91 9830783589

sales: sales@big-slate.com

enquiry: enquiry@big-slate.com

information: info@big-slate.com

If you have any questions, suggestions, requests or complaints and would like to send us a message then please [ Click here ]

BigSlate location on map

BigSlate Technologies LLP

Haripal, Hooghly (W.B.), India, 712405

phone: +91 9830783589

sales: sales@big-slate.com

enquiry: enquiry@big-slate.com

information: info@big-slate.com

If you have any questions, suggestions, requests or complaints and would like to send us a message then please [ Click here ]